Info for participants > Info for authors

Abstract submissions are closed, except for Invited and LATE NEWS papers (deadline 8/9/23).

For LATE NEWS papers, we invite the authors to submit original up-to-4-pages papers in their final format with illustrations in pdf format for review here:

Papers submitted for review should clearly state: The purpose of the workPositioning with regard to the state of the artSpecific new results and their impact.

Only works that has not been previously published at the time of the conference will be considered. Submission of a paper for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the Committee as an agreement that the work will not be placed in the public domain prior to the conference.

Authors of LATE NEWS PAPERS should directly submit an up-to-4 pages paper in its final format. They will be notified mid-september.. The authors of the accepted submissions will then be asked to submit a corrected version a few weeks before the conference start, which will later be published in IEEExplore.

Word and LaTex templates, as well as Overleaf, can be found in the IEEE website:

For help or information: icnf-2023 AT sciencesconf DOT org 

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