Info for participants > Invited Speakers

Plenary Talks

Aneta Stefanovska (Lancaster University, UK) -  Noisy oscillators in biology and medicine

Graziella Scandurra & Carmine Ciofi (University of Messina, Italy) - Low-frequency noise measurement systems - design strategies and implementation challenges

Gerard Ghibaudo (CNRS, France) - Carrier number with correlated mobility fluctuations: a model's history and evolution

Mark Dykman (USA) - Noisy processes in quantum computing

Invited Papers

Tibor Grasser - TU Wien - Vienna

Michele Bonnin - Politecnico di Torino - Italy

Sergey Rumyantsev - Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Science - Poland

Fabien Bretenaker - Université Paris-Saclay - France

Thomas Szkopek - Electrical Engineering, U. McGill, Montreal- Canada

Taro Itatani - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sci. and Tech. - Japan

Freek Massee - LPS CNRS - France

Ruben Asenovski - University of Modena - Italy

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